It all starts in Banda, Indonesia. The Banda Isles are small isles in the Banda Sea, containing a total of 50 km². The Banda Isles fulfilled a big role in history. Until the 19th century all the nutmeg in the world came from these isles. In 1621 the Dutch came to Banda and that was the beginning of 350 years of Dutch presence on the Banda Isles.
Maps courtesy of used with permission.
Our history
Our history has been traced back until 1772 when Evert Herrebrugh was born in Amsterdam. He was running a nutmeg plantation which he got in his possession by marrying Elisabeth Leunissen. She inherited the plantation Matalengko (Poeloe Ay) from her first husband, Lourens de Klerk.
This is where the history of our family starts.
The name
The name Herrebrugh comes from Heerenburg. Or not........According to information I received from Cees Herrebrugh the name Herrebrugh doesn't originate from Heerenburg. He did some research and the only thing he found out that mentions Heerenburg is a tomb stone (he found it on a Danish site). But the person burried there was originating from 's Heerenburg......maybe this will lead us any further in the search of where our name originates from.